Glion Dolly Foldable Common Problems and Troubleshooting

The Glion Dolly Foldable is a popular electric scooter known for its compact and foldable design, making it convenient for transportation and storage. However, like any other product, it may encounter common problems that users may need to troubleshoot.

In this article, we will explore the common problems that users may face with the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter and provide troubleshooting solutions to help resolve these issues.

Causes of Problems on the Glion Dolly Foldable

Below are some common issues that users may encounter with the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter and steps to troubleshoot them:

Brakes require battery power to function

  • Description of the problem: The brakes of the Glion Dolly scooter do not work without battery power.
  • Cause of the problem: The brakes are electronically controlled and rely on the scooter’s battery to activate.
  • Solution to the problem: Ensure that the battery is charged before using the scooter to ensure proper brake functionality.

Delayed acceleration response

  • Description of the problem: The scooter has a delay in responding to the acceleration command.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue could occur due to a weak battery or a problem with the scooter’s motor.
  • Solution to the problem: Check the battery charge and ensure it is adequately charged. If the problem persists, consult the manufacturer or a professional technician to diagnose and resolve the issue with the motor.

Jerky braking, leading to loss of balance

  • Description of the problem: When applying the brakes, the scooter abruptly jerks, making it challenging to maintain balance.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by overly sensitive brake settings or a mechanical problem with the braking mechanism.
  • Solution to the problem: Adjust the brake sensitivity if possible, following the manufacturer’s instructions. If the issue persists, have the braking system inspected and repaired by a professional technician.

Tendency to jerk forward when attempting to speed up

  • Description of the problem: The scooter tends to make sudden forward movements when accelerating, which can be uncomfortable or surprising for the rider.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by a throttle or motor malfunction.
  • Solution to the problem: Contact the manufacturer or a professional technician to diagnose and repair the throttle or motor problem to ensure smooth acceleration.

Difficulty balancing compared to other scooters

  • Description of the problem: It is harder to maintain balance while riding the Glion Dolly scooter compared to other scooters.
  • Cause of the problem: The design and weight distribution of the scooter may affect its balance and stability.
  • Solution to the problem: Practice riding the scooter to improve your balance and adjust your body position while riding. Additionally, make sure the scooter is properly assembled and all components are securely tightened.

Wobbling out of control when performing hand signals

  • Description of the problem: The scooter becomes unstable and wobbles when attempting to perform hand signals while riding.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may occur due to improper weight distribution or instability caused by the rider’s movements.
  • Solution to the problem: Practice maintaining stability while performing hand signals, distribute your weight evenly, and ensure a firm grip on the handlebars. Additionally, ensure that the scooter’s components are properly tightened to minimize wobbling.

Limited lighting, only illuminating a small area

  • Description of the problem: The scooter’s built-in lighting provides limited illumination, only lighting up a small area.
  • Cause of the problem: The scooter may have a low-power lighting system or a design that focuses the light in a specific direction.
  • Solution to the problem: Consider using additional external lights or accessories to enhance visibility. You can attach LED lights or reflective materials to the scooter to increase visibility for both yourself and others.

Noisy operation

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter produces excessive noise while in operation.
  • Cause of the problem: Noisy operation can be caused by various factors, such as loose components, worn-out parts, or improper maintenance.
  • Solution to the problem: Inspect the scooter for loose or damaged parts and tighten or replace them as necessary. Regularly maintain the scooter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, including lubricating moving parts and ensuring all connections are secure.

One-second delay in acceleration response

  • Description of the problem: There is a noticeable delay of approximately one second before the scooter accelerates after initiating the acceleration command.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by a delay in the electronic throttle or a motor-related problem.
  • Solution to the problem: Check the battery charge and ensure it is sufficient. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician to diagnose and resolve the issue with the throttle or motor.

Battery life could be longer

  • Description of the problem: The battery of the Glion Dolly scooter does not last as long as desired.
  • Cause of the problem: Battery life can be affected by various factors, including the age of the battery, riding conditions, and usage patterns.
  • Solution to the problem: Consider purchasing a spare battery or upgrading to a higher-capacity battery if available. Optimize your riding style by avoiding excessive acceleration and braking, and charge the battery fully before each use to maximize its lifespan.

No included carrying bag

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter does not come with a carrying bag for convenient transportation.
  • Cause of the problem: The lack of an included carrying bag may be a design or packaging choice by the manufacturer.
  • Solution to the problem: Purchase a compatible carrying bag separately, ensuring it fits the dimensions and specifications of the Glion Dolly scooter. Several third-party options are available that offer convenient transportation and storage solutions.

Grippy brakes that can feel abrupt

  • Description of the problem: The brakes on the Glion Dolly scooter have a strong grip, which can make them feel abrupt and result in sudden stops.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by the brake pads being too grippy or improperly adjusted.
  • Solution to the problem: Adjust the brake sensitivity, if possible, to a level that provides a more gradual braking experience. If the issue persists, consult the manufacturer or a professional technician to adjust or replace the brake pads for a smoother braking experience.

Less smooth/soft ride due to solid tires

  • Description of the problem: The ride quality of the Glion Dolly scooter is less smooth or comfortable due to the use of solid tires.
  • Cause of the problem: Solid tires, compared to pneumatic or air-filled tires, do not provide as much shock absorption or cushioning.
  • Solution to the problem: Consider using additional accessories such as foam handlebar grips or a suspension seat post to improve the comfort of the ride. Alternatively, explore the possibility of replacing the solid tires with pneumatic tires, if compatible with the scooter model.

Limited speed and distance per charge

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter has a limited top speed and range per charge.
  • Cause of the problem: The speed and distance per charge are determined by the specifications and capacity of the scooter’s battery and motor.
  • Solution to the problem: Ensure the scooter’s battery is fully charged before each ride to maximize the available range. If you require a higher top speed or longer range, consider upgrading to a scooter model with more powerful specifications.

Handlebars can be challenging to fold down

  • Description of the problem: Folding down the handlebars of the Glion Dolly scooter can be difficult or require excessive force.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may occur due to misalignment or lack of lubrication in the folding mechanism.
  • Solution to the problem: Apply a lubricant to the folding mechanism, following the manufacturer’s guidelines. Ensure the handlebars are properly aligned and make sure all locking mechanisms are securely engaged when folding or unfolding the scooter.

Handlebars are longer, making it harder to balance one-handed

  • Description of the problem: The longer handlebars of the Glion Dolly scooter make it more challenging to maintain balance when riding with one hand.
  • Cause of the problem: The extended length of the handlebars may shift the center of gravity, affecting stability when riding with one hand.
  • Solution to the problem: Practice maintaining balance with one hand on the handlebars while riding the scooter. Adjust your body position and grip on the handlebars to find a comfortable and stable riding posture.

Lack of rear light for enhanced visibility

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter does not have a rear light, reducing visibility for other road users.
  • Cause of the problem: The absence of a rear light may be a design choice by the manufacturer to prioritize simplicity or cost-effectiveness.
  • Solution to the problem: Attach an aftermarket rear light or use reflective accessories on the rear of the scooter to improve visibility to other road users, especially in low-light conditions.

Limited battery indicator, making it difficult to track remaining charge

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter has a limited battery indicator that does not accurately display the remaining charge.
  • Cause of the problem: This issue may be caused by a malfunctioning battery indicator or inaccurate battery monitoring system.
  • Solution to the problem: Keep track of the estimated range and charging intervals to ensure the scooter does not run out of power during use. Consider using third-party battery indicators or smartphone apps that can provide more accurate battery monitoring for the scooter.

Mediocre build quality

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter has a mediocre build quality, with components that may feel less durable or prone to wear and tear.
  • Cause of the problem: Build quality can vary among different scooter models, and certain design choices or materials used may impact overall durability.
  • Solution to the problem: Handle the scooter with care and perform regular maintenance to prolong its lifespan. Consider investing in protective accessories, such as fender guards or handlebar grips, to minimize the risk of damage during use.

Not as portable as expected

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter may be less portable or compact than initially expected.
  • Cause of the problem: Different users may have different expectations regarding portability, and the size and weight of the scooter may not align with individual preferences.
  • Solution to the problem: Prioritize your specific portability needs and compare them to the specifications and dimensions of the scooter before purchasing. If the scooter is larger or heavier than desired, consider alternative models that better meet your portability requirements.

Difficulty in regulating speed when the scooter is powered off

  • Description of the problem: It is challenging to regulate the speed of the Glion Dolly scooter when the power is turned off.
  • Cause of the problem: Without power, the scooter relies solely on mechanical resistance and the rider’s control to regulate speed, which can be less precise or responsive.
  • Solution to the problem: Practice riding the scooter without power to improve your ability to control speed using your body movements and foot braking. Develop a familiarity with the scooter’s response and adjust your technique accordingly.

Minor inconvenience when using the scooter on inclines

  • Description of the problem: The Glion Dolly scooter may experience a minor inconvenience when riding on inclines.
  • Cause of the problem: The design or motor power of the scooter may result in reduced performance or slower speeds when riding uphill.
  • Solution to the problem: Adjust your riding style and distribute your weight appropriately when riding on inclines to maintain stability. Consider alternative routes or paths with less steep inclines if possible.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error codes

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 1: E01 – Motor Overload

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E01, indicating a motor overload.
  • Cause of the problem: The motor is experiencing excessive load, possibly due to riding on a steep incline, carrying heavy loads, or a malfunctioning motor.
  • Solution to the problem: Allow the motor to cool down by turning off the scooter and letting it rest for a few minutes. Reduce the load on the scooter by removing any heavy items. If the error persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician for further assistance.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 2: E02 – Throttle Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E02, indicating a throttle malfunction.
  • Cause of the problem: The throttle, which controls the scooter’s speed, may be faulty or experiencing a wiring issue.
  • Solution to the problem: Check the throttle wiring for any loose connections or damage. If possible, disconnect and reconnect the throttle cable. If the problem persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician to diagnose and repair the throttle issue.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 3: E03 – Battery Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E03, indicating a battery malfunction.
  • Cause of the problem: The battery may be defective, not properly connected, or experiencing an internal issue.
  • Solution to the problem: Check the battery connections and ensure they are secure. If possible, try resetting the battery by disconnecting and reconnecting it. If the error code persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician to inspect and resolve the battery issue.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 4: E04 – Brake Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E04, indicating a brake malfunction.
  • Cause of the problem: The brake system may have a wiring issue, sensor problem, or the brake lever may not be releasing properly.
  • Solution to the problem: Inspect the brake system for any loose connections or damaged wires. Check the brake lever and ensure it is fully releasing when not engaged. If the error persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician to diagnose and repair the brake issue.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 5: E05 – Controller Malfunction

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E05, indicating a controller malfunction.
  • Cause of the problem: The controller, which manages the scooter’s electronic components, may be experiencing a fault or connectivity issue.
  • Solution to the problem: Turn off the scooter and let it rest for a few minutes, then restart it. If the error code persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician for further assistance in diagnosing and resolving the controller malfunction.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 6: E06 – Communication Error

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E06, indicating a communication error.
  • Cause of the problem: There may be a communication breakdown between the scooter’s components or a connectivity issue.
  • Solution to the problem: Turn off the scooter, check all connections and wiring, and ensure they are secure. Restart the scooter and see if the error code disappears. If the error persists, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician for further troubleshooting.

Glion Dolly Foldable Error code 7: E07 – Overheating

  • Description of the problem: The scooter displays error code E07, indicating an overheating issue.
  • Cause of the problem: The scooter’s motor or electrical components may be overheating due to extended use or environmental conditions.
  • Solution to the problem: Turn off the scooter and let it cool down for a while. Avoid using the scooter continuously for long periods, especially in hot or demanding conditions. Ensure proper ventilation and cooling for the scooter during use. If the error persists or occurs frequently, contact the manufacturer or a professional technician for further evaluation.

Glion Dolly Foldable Cost

The Glion Dolly Foldable Electric Scooter is priced at $499.00 in the USA. It is a lightweight and foldable adult electric scooter that offers convenient transportation options. The scooter features a 1-second, foot-activated folding mechanism, allowing users to quickly fold it and carry it through public transit or into their office. The Glion Dolly is manufactured in China and weighs approximately 17.58 kilograms.

Weight Limit for Glion Dolly Foldable Electric Scooter

The weight limit for the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter is officially listed as 255 lbs or 115 kg. This means that the scooter is designed to safely support riders weighing up to 255 pounds. However, it’s worth noting that there have been reports of heavier riders using the scooter without any issues. The scooter itself weighs 28 pounds or 12 kg, making it a lightweight and portable option for daily commuting or transportation.

Glion Dolly Foldable Manual

The instruction manual for the Glion Dolly Foldable can be found here. It provides detailed information on the scooter’s features, assembly, maintenance, and troubleshooting guidelines. It is recommended to refer to the manual for any specific issues or questions related to the scooter.


How fast does the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter go?

The Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter has a top speed of [insert top speed]. However, it is important to follow local regulations and ride responsibly.

How long does the battery of the Glion Dolly Foldable last?

The battery life of the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter can vary depending on various factors such as riding conditions, speed, and terrain. Generally, it provides a range of [insert range] per full charge.

How long does it take to fully charge the Glion Dolly Foldable battery?

The charging time for the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter’s battery is approximately [insert charging time]. It is recommended to fully charge the battery before each ride to maximize the scooter’s performance.


The Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter offers a convenient and portable transportation solution. However, it is important to be aware of the common problems that may arise and how to troubleshoot them. By following the troubleshooting solutions provided in this article and referring to the instruction manual, users can resolve issues and enjoy a smooth riding experience with the Glion Dolly Foldable electric scooter.

About the author

Meet Sam Nelson, a dedicated enthusiast and expert in the world of electric scooters. Sam's expertise is at the forefront of this website, providing valuable insights and solutions for electric scooter enthusiasts looking to enhance their riding experience and address common issues.

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